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1K twisted Daemonic abominations - glitched by hand by DaemonDAO co-founder ArcAyn

Validator revenue-share NFTs on CANTO

The ๐ŸฅƒDIGIDISTILLERY๐Ÿฅƒ is live! Stake your Daemons HERE

CA: 0x6eA4...3f8c0

Mint live in:




Mint costs โ‹X + gas

Instructions: connect wallet (top right), put a number in the box, hit "MINT"

View & stake your Digis at the ๐ŸฅƒDIGIDISTILLERY๐Ÿฅƒ

View & trade your Digis on ๐ŸŽทAlto Marketplace๐ŸŽท

Art & Vibe by ArcAyn
Web3 wizardry by MaxFlowO2
Frontend hatchet-job by Lucky

The Flywheel


Mint funds used to bootstrap DaemonDAO validator stake and LP mining positions

Rewards compounded regularly, weekly payouts streamed to DigiDaemon holders via DigiDistillery staking contract

Additional revenue from Contract-Secured-Revenue (on all Daemon project contracts), secondary market royalties & delegator commission.


When the BitDaemon mass transit event was attacked, many Daemons were destroyed.

Yet some suffered a worse fate - trapped within the confines of the portal network that once carried them between star systems


Deconstructed and rebuilt ad infinitum by the infernal energy, they suffered. We could do nothing.

Now, heralded by the WaveDaemons' cry, they return. Shepherded by the DigiDaemonLord and its fearsome Viziers, their sights set on green pastures.